Still playing Paper Mario. And that’s all I am playing. Finished chapter 3, and am currently someways in chapter 4.

What about you? What have all of you been playing?

  • @slimerancherOPM
    21 year ago

    Sad to heard about MK1, hope they improve it soon.

    Trip World DX looks nice, gives me a kit of Kirby vibes. Will check it out.

    Donkey Kong Country games are tough. I have only finished the first one. Started the second one but paused it and never went back, maybe I should try it again.

    • @picandocodigoM
      21 year ago

      Trip World DX is almost like a Kirby homage, except they originally came out the same year! The character designs are in a similar style, the main character shapeshifts into different forms, and it’s pretty simple and easy. I’d say the graphics are quite more detailed, that’s what caught my attention. Let me know what you think after you’ve played it!

      • @slimerancherOPM
        21 year ago

        With my backlog, it might be a while, but will let you know whenever I do! 😀