The SSH port is 22. This is the story of how it got that port number. And practical configuration instructions.

  • teft
    494 months ago

    The story is he asked IANA for port 22. They gave him port 22.

    Why did this need to be a blog post?

    • @[email protected]
      404 months ago

      It’s an interesting story anyway, kind of fun how the early days of the internet people just decided to build stuff and that random little tool from decades ago continue to be the backbone of much of the world. Imagine if all that stuff was proprietary…

      • Rhaedas
        94 months ago

        True of many things we take for granted now. It would be a different world entirely. Another non-computer example would be the 3-point seat belt that Volvo left as an open patent, saving countless lives over the past decades.

      • @[email protected]
        34 months ago

        What part of the story are you referring to? The part where he asked for port 22 or the part where he got it?