• @Anticorp
    31 year ago

    I was fucking invincible when I was younger. I used to bounce my body down a fucking ravine after crashing my motorcycle, get up and run back to the bike, and take off again. Then I’d play full-contact football the next day without pads. At some point in the week I’d get into a fist fight. Nothing could touch me! Then I got older and I discovered I hadn’t defeated those injuries with strength and grace. They were waiting, biding their time, eager to debilitate me when youth had wained. Now a days I’m in constant pain. I’m still strong, and I’m still active, but there’s never a moment when something doesn’t hurt. Don’t just take care of your body with exercise and diet, protect it from injury. Your youth will someday fade, and those injuries will come back to permanently haunt you. It’ll happen sooner than you expect too.