Photo by Scott Manne

No Photoshop here! Northern Hawk Owl being harassed by this monstrous Raven. Just look at the difference in size . Northern Maine. 1/31/24

    • anon6789OP
      31 year ago

      Of course!

      Another neat feeture about owl toes is one works like a bit like a thumb in that it can change position to grip different things.

      From The Peregrine Fund:

      Another interesting adaptation that Osprey have is an opposable toe. Most raptors have three toes that point forward, and one pointing back, called the hallux. But Osprey, like owls, can move their smallest toe forward and backward. To get a better grip on prey or on a branch to perch, they simply move the small toe back so they have two toes facing forward and two facing back. They can return to the three forward, one back configuration any time they want.