This point in the winter for me is usually some of the worst for me with my mood. Abdominal pain doesn’t help any, nor does constant grey skies.

How is everyone else holding up. I know some of y’all are really struggling, and I just want you to know you have a cheerleader over here rooting for ya.

  • @Pronell
    210 months ago

    I can’t stop catching random bugs going around. Right now there’s one sending everyone running in the bathroom to vomit and shit everywhere.

    I know if I catch that I’m out for a week, minimum. But so far, so good.

    My issues are strictly IBS, thankfully, so I keep careful with my trigger foods and try to keep my anxiety in check…

    But I’m still like you, these winter months grate on me terribly.

    I live in a northern climate and we’ve had almost no snow, which triggers my anxiety a bit, even though it’s not in my control.

    But I love the snow, so having no snow but still little daylight FUCKING SUCKS.