• @[email protected]
    138 months ago

    Would this be allowed if Muslim? No? The it’s terrorism.

    Christians are terrorists. Full stop, no exceptions, no alterations.

    I look forward to all the christofascists trying to “um, actually” me.

    • @gennygameshark
      118 months ago

      Any absolutist statement is inherently false - I’ve marched in pride parades with leftist Christians who use the Bible as a philosophical foundation of love and tolerance, the way it should be.

      This breed of Evangelical fascists you’re talking about are a scourge upon both Christianity as a whole and society at large, and have become the biggest government supported terrorist cell in the world. They are why I no longer believe in the “goodness of Christ” anymore.

    • @madcaesar
      108 months ago

      I’m as anti religion as it gets, but calling every Christian a terrorist is way over board. Most are simply brainwashed and never actually spend any time thinking about religion critically, but a good percentage of them (those leading them) absolutely are evil and are exploiting the credulity of their followers for personal gain and hate.

      • Echo Dot
        38 months ago

        Half are brainwashed, but the other half are just really thick. They actually think the Bible is real, and even when you point out that even the church doesn’t claim that every aspect of the bible is real and that quite a lot of it was written either after the fact (as in centuries later), or was always just a story to serve as a theoretical example, they don’t believe you. So they don’t actually understand their own religion.

      • @[email protected]
        -88 months ago

        Christians are not victims here. They are all, and let me be fully clear here, all terrorists who will tell you to your face that they have authority to take over the entire world, by force if necessary.

        It’s absolutely a mental illness. The entire religion is full of sociopaths that want nothing more than themselves to be in control and everyone else who isn’t on board to be killed.

        Why in the actual fuck do we as a society continue to give them cart blanche to attack anyone who doesn’t share their mental illness? Why are they a protected group? Why do they get tax free status?

        Just watch and see what they’re going to do in this election cycle. Time to take off the blinders and get real, because they’re destroying the country for their beliefs and they’re not going to stop.

        • @[email protected]
          48 months ago

          For all the downvoters, tell me, the Christians continue to say that they are allowed to take away the rights of anyone they want; be dicks to anyone they want, and some of them are saying that the LGBTQ should be “exterminated” (their words, not mine) and Christians believe they’ll get a “reward” for it when they die…

          How is that anything but being heavily mentally ill? They’re saying out loud that they want people dead and nobody is making a big fucking deal out of it. If ANYBODY said that shit about them, shit would hit the fan. But instead they’re allowed, in spite of laws and logic, to continue goose stepping all over anyone in their way.

          You’ve got Christian preachers talking, yet again, about"The end is nigh" and calling Trump the second coming of Jesus… If you think that people won’t do some heinous shit because they totally believe that, then I just don’t know what to tell you.

    • pachrist
      58 months ago

      For every atheist I’ve met who’s kind and empathetic, I’ve met a Christian who’s kind an empathetic. For every Christian I’ve met who’s an ignorant, egocentric absolutist, I’ve met an atheist who’s an ignorant, egocentric absolutist.

      The problem isn’t religion. It’s people who don’t prioritize empathy. Being an atheist doesn’t make you a good person. Being a Christian doesn’t make you a good person. Being kind makes you a good person.

    • @Tyfud
      58 months ago

      Um , actually… You’re absolutely right.