What game is it and how are you doing?

BONUS QUESTION: He instead offers you $1 billion if you go to the Mortal Kombat universe, join the tournament and survive. He’ll have Raiden train you for a year, then the blood splatters. Do you accept?

BONUS BONUS QUESTION: He offers to send you to a video game world of your choosing, only you can never come back home or contact anyone here ever again, not even with in-universe abilities. Do you accept and, if so, which one?

  • @tallwookie
    1 year ago

    question the first: I’d accept, in Rimworld, my colonists usually last around a year or so before disease, war, or wild creatures get them.

    question the second: hard pass.

    question the third: I’d accept, and go to the final fantasy universe. as long as you’re not the main character, small town residents are seemingly immortal.