We all live with an acceptable amount of pain since we have no choice.

What do you rate your every day pain?

If someone swapped bodies with you, what would THEY rate that pain?

  • @ChamelAjvalel
    2 years ago

    2 or 3 in about 4 places. 4 or 5 in 5 places, where four of those can pop to 6 or 7, and two of those can jump up to 6, 7, or 8 if I get tired or take a nap (which just happened not too long ago…Anyone else dream of cutting your leg off at the knee just to be able to rub the pain inside of it? OOOOOOOoooooooow!).

    Oh, and that only accounts for pain pain. Not muscle strain, tight muscles/tendons, a numb thigh, and a partridge in a pear tree.