The launch date of Artemix II for a 4 astronaut flyby of the moon is planned for September of next year (2025).

Do you think NASA will be able to make this date? (

It’s a very exciting time to see something like this, something humans haven’t done for 50 years.

And as a matter of historical significance, this will be the furthest humans have ever travelled from Earth. We’ve existed for 300,000 years (homo sapiens), and no human has ever gone as far from this rock as these 4 people are about to do.

    • @laverabeOP
      51 year ago

      Honestly I think that’s almost a good thing for space exploration. It’s a non political issue in that both parties want to be seen as pioneers in space.

      Fiscal conservative republicans were a bit against NASA spending but now that private companies have there fingers in the pot at least now everyone is on board, lol.