• @Paragone
    -21 year ago

    It is:

    There will be no US of A 8y after Trump is crowned GEOTUS:

    ( GEOTUS means “God Emperor Of The United States”, and you can go on wikipedia & search for GEOTUS, and you’ll be surrepticiously landed on the Donald Trump page,

    because they hid that there IS a GEOTUS page on wikipedia, in order to not have it show-up in the search-statistics, and did-so by altering their search-logic for that special-case.

    The US Civil War Part2 will have butchered faaar too much of the population & country,

    & the eastern-seaboard should get chopped-off by a tsunami as sea-level-rise floods-into ( thereby lubricating ) the unstable Canary Island ( volcanic: it isn’t solid rock, it is zillions of pieces of rock formed-onto each-other, but not bonded-together, so it’s completely fragile ), and the extra-kinetic-energy of hurricanes/cyclones has obviously jumped, lately, that energy only has to bear on that island, and the ( already modeled ) tsunami will then be shoved into existence by a cubic-km of rock shoving the Atlantic our way.

    As Scientific American published awhile ago that +2C means 6m sea-level-rise, and we’ve already crossed the +1.52C level, in the past 12 months, so ClimatePunctuation is going to continue accelerating WAAAY quicker than all the bullshit “consensus” models said, and we’re going to continue ignoring/denying everything until it’s bullets-in-everbody-time, because That’s How We “Cope”.

    The Great Filter, demonstrated, systematically.

    Stupid waste of potential & opportunity, but that’s the best we could do, so our action proves.

    Corrution won’t permit objectivity to control anything in our world, and we … accommodate that.

    Until we’re gone.