• @[email protected]
    25 months ago

    I would 100% be making this comment if it were another studio of skilled developers being turned into a soulless company churning out cash grabs. It doesn’t matter if it’s EA or another massive publisher. The problem is that money-hungry business people suck the soul and life out of artists.

    EA is notorious and hated because they have a track record of promising lots of funding for the projects these artists want to work on, then pulling the bait and switch by then forcing them to work on licensed cash grabs which squashes the passion out of the company, then when the time comes to make the “passion” projects they turn out to be way less than people are hoping for, then after a few iterations of that the studio gets closed.

    Look at Visceral, Black Box, Bioware, honestly name a studio that EA acquired in the mid-late 00’s and that same story applies.

    If you want other examples, Activision turned almost all of their good studios into support studios that work on various modules of Call of Duty.

    Corporate game development is a decades-old story of promises of creative freedom followed by never-ending soulless licensed cash grab development. Big publishers suck. Fuck them all.

    • @echo64
      -15 months ago

      Okay. It’s 2024 now. Let’s try and focus on today, not ea from a decade ago. We can all rightfully be mad about that ea.

      At the very least keep these comments actually relevant instead of just a circlejerk tirade about nothing.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        I would argue it is relevant. Respawn created an amazing IP, and a very successful licensed product both of which are raking in cash for EA, so now EA wants Respawn’s name on everything since people have grown to trust the quality. The story behind the news is always relevant.

        Furthermore, I wasn’t just talking about EA from a decade ago. This is still relevant today with the likes of Bioware which is a hollowed out husk of what it once was, and EA are milking both Bioware and the Mass Effect IP’s reputation for every ounce of goodwill from the fans that they can.

        • @echo64
          05 months ago

          So lets just talk about what we have in-front of us, okay? without a tirade about i guess bioware now?

          so we have respawn, they made and released a game last year, now they are working on a new game. you find this to be, bad. you think this is bad. they shouldn’t do this and ea should be condemned for making respawn make a game after they just made a game last year?