• @rdyoung
    05 months ago

    There is a difference between phones made from parts manufactured in China by companies based elsewhere and phones manufactured by a Chinese company that is guaranteed to be full of surprises and things you’ll never know about.

    • @Wodge
      35 months ago

      Yes, you’re correct. The choice is what country you want spying on you. Good times.

      • @rdyoung
        5 months ago

        It’s not that simple and it’s not all the same. There are things you can do to stop it with devices not made by Chinese companies at the behest of the Chinese government. What you can’t fix is the hardware based spyware and other nonsense that are built into the cpu, hiding in rom to reinstall after a wipe, etc.

        • @Wodge
          105 months ago

          So we’re completely forgetting the entire Ed Snowden thing? It didn’t stop when Snowden blew that whistle. The EFF and ACLU have been fighting it, and the NSA is still trying to stop congress from doing anything to stop it.

          But sure, I’m a conspiracy nut job, thinking that my data would be anything but a drop in the ocean of pretty worthless data they’re collecting. I’m pretty sure my old Xiaomi Note phone is currently informing higher ups in the communist party that I’m playing CoD yet again, and I’m not very good at it. If they want to fill up data centers with petabytes of peoples mundane lives, go for it, waste your money keeping those facilities open and staffed, and waste your time finding out that most people don’t give a shit about chinese foreign policy and believe that Taiwan is number one, and also a sovereign nation in it’s own right.