Hey all,

I want to get your opinion on allowing mixed AI + manually manipulated art.

Traditionally in the art world, there are examples of art that include the modification of others’ artwork, mixed media inlcuding other art or media, etc. Initially I allowed some of the mixed AI + manually manipulated artwork because I felt that it fell into this type of category. However, we’ve received several reports on these due to the community rule stating that AI art is not allowed. Sometimes the lines of what can be considered original work and what is “copied” can be quite blurry.

I wanted to see how you all felt about including this type of art. This is a space for you, so I would rather leave the final decision up to those who take part in this community.

Let me know in the comments, and I’ll adjust the community rules accordingly.

Edit: OK, seems like the people have spoken. I’ll adjust the wording in the rules so that it is clear. I’ll leave up the posts that I allowed before, but moving forward we won’t be allowing any more AI content, even if it is manually manipulated.

  • @[email protected]
    48 months ago


    While we appreciate AI generated art,

    No we don’t.

    Images created by AI are not art, they are AI generated images. There are places where they serve a function, but they are not an expression of art.

    • @BallShapedMan
      08 months ago

      People said Photoshop wasn’t art, or video games, or rap music, they’re all wrong IMO. And I also think AI art is art. Not that you have to change your mind, just sharing that I disagree.

      • @[email protected]
        48 months ago

        A better example against my argument would be music made with modular synths, as the process of images generated by a prompt can be similar to starting a synth by oscillator, setting the dials, then walking away.

        The three examples you gave aren’t analogous to image generation.

        • @BallShapedMan
          28 months ago

          That is a better argument. Thank you!