I’ll kick us off with a game I genuinely love, Virginia.

Virginia has this insanely smooth art and presentation style that I just can’t get enough of. Each scene oozes style, and each filmic cut makes me think I’m playing through some stylish detective film.

The game has zero dialogue, so the entire plot hinges on the games ability to tell it’s story through relatively limited animation and a brilliant use of both music and direction.

It bounced off for a lot of people, but for me it’s one of my favourite entries in the ‘walking sim’ genre.

What about you, what games do you think deserve more love than they originally got?

  • @ExtraMedicated
    37 months ago

    I’ve reccommended these a couple times already but I think they’re worth mentioning again. I gotta find some more good ones though.

    • The Upturned - A cartoony horror-comedy game with a great sense of humor.
    • Withering Rooms - The story is interesting and the atmosphere is great.
    • Your Spider - This one is possibly my favorite indie horror game.
    • Exanima - Read about the features. This one is more impressive than the screenshots make it look (at least for me).
    • Lunacid - I love the visual style and atmosphere of this. I also enjoyed Lost in Vivo by the same developer.
    • Praey for the Gods - This one is for anyone who’s looking for more games like Shadow of the Collossus.