Former president is enjoying some success in courting sceptical funders but some, such as Peter Thiel, have spurned his advances

Donald Trump’s efforts to court and cajole rightwing billionaires into financing his presidential campaign are bearing fruit as even sceptical conservative mega-donors face up to the prospect he will again be the Republican candidate.

Trump is winning back some donors who supported him four years ago but then gave their money to the former US president’s primary rivals this year, fearing he will again lose to Joe Biden in November or the chaos that will ensue if he wins. But some other former ultra-wealthy supporters, including the tech billionaire Peter Thiel, have spurned Trump’s advances.

Trump’s campaign is pushing the inevitability of his victory over the former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, the last remaining challenger in the Republican primaries, in order to shift the focus to the general election as he pursues Wall Street and Silicon Valley money.

  • @kescusay
    268 months ago

    Well of course they’re drifting back to him. Sure, he’s a criminal, a con artist, an incredible liar, a puppet of Vladimir Putin, and a direct threat to the stability and viability of the United States of America… but he’ll cut their taxes a little bit more! And in the end, isn’t that what’s really important?

    Besides, with all the extra savings, they’ll be able to afford better bunkers and security systems as the outside world descends into Purge-like chaos.