• ivanafterall
    291 year ago

    My fellow le gentlesirs, does the narwhal bacon at midnight?

    lol, upvote if you understood the reference!

    • @[email protected]
      131 year ago

      Even more than a decade later, that stupid meme still reminds me of one of the worst social events I ever had the mispleasure of attending. Can’t have been later than 2012.

      I was making small talk, and I referenced an interesting article that had been on the Reddit front page the day before. “Oh, I was reading an article yesterday about blah bla-”. This nerdy, but until this point socially concious guy interrupts everything for that stupid meme. “gasp DO YOU KNOW WHEN THE NARWHAL BACONS?!?!” “Yes. So as I was saying-” “But. Do you know. When the narwhal BACONS?” Everyone is looking at me like I’m responsible for whatever the fuck is going on now. “Yes, I found the article on Reddit. It was-” The man cuts me off again, “WHEN DOES IT BACON?” You motherfucker I attended the goddamn Jon Stewart Rally to Restore Sanity and have the Reddit and Colbert complimentary T-Shirt only handed out on-site to prove it and now is not the time I am attempting to be a normal human being with more diverse hobbies than staring at a screen all day don’t you take this from me.