Personally I think not having karma limits is nice currently! I understand why they were used but grinding karma as a lurker on reddit was frustrating.
Personally I think not having karma limits is nice currently! I understand why they were used but grinding karma as a lurker on reddit was frustrating.
Pretty much accepted it was the end of reddit when that started appearing… /s
That and 9gag immigrants
If lemmy can avoid the use of /s and 9gag immigrants I’ll be a happy little lemonian.
Never got the resistance to /s. Some people just struggle with understanding sarcasm, seems an easy way to avoid misunderstanding.
The /s tag is important to easily recognize sarcasm, especially for neurodivergent people.
Yeah, sarcasm doesn’t translate well in text. At times, it’s easy to identify a sarcastic comment, and sometimes it’s not clear. I have myself interpreted comments on differently before seeing the /s at the end. Changes the entire perspectives sometimes.
I think because for those who do understand it the /s just ruins the joke. So I don’t think there is pleasing both sides.
Part of the humor in sarcasm is feigned sincerity.
It’s like explaining the joke immediately after telling it. If you have to tell everyone its sarcasm, then you’ve done a bad job at deploying sarcasm.
Except half the trick to deploying sarcasm is to use tone of voice, which you can’t do in a text-only format. /s is like a shortcut for that. To use a face-to-face example, it’s like saying something sarcastic with a straight face then cracking a smile to reveal you were joking all along.
Plus we’re on the internet, people have some terrible takes that totally seem like they should be sarcastic but just aren’t.
I guess I do get it though. /s does take some of the humor out of it, it just seems like more than a worthy tradeoff.
Telling jokes in a text medium isn’t new and sarcasm is frequently used without hackish writers rushing to reassure everyone that they were only kidding. If you can’t do a sarcasm without an ‘/s’ then just don’t do one.
Agreed. I can’t tell you how many times in business I’ve seen a matter of fact text or email set someone off thinking the sender was some sort of monster. Try to add any humor and it can be 100% worse when it comes to interpreting.
I never had an issue with the /s used. Yes, I could read it as sarcasm 90% of the time before it appeared. But to me the written word should always add clarity. If the one commenting felt it should be used then so be it.
Poe’s law mate. Without a clear indicator of the author’s intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views.
Writing and reading sarcasm on screenplays work, though. So why not on any Internet social platforms? This buffles a lot of Redditors. They really take the post/replies too serious.
i love sarcasm, it’s the best hahahah there’s nothing better than sarcasm, i wish all of lemmy was sarcasm, just pure sarcasm, nothing else, that’d be so awesome
Yea, always hated that one.
You’re stepping on the joke, once by mentioning it, and again by ripping out the best thing about low-key sarcasm: that some people don’t get the joke.
Frankly, its racist against the British.
This is a good point, and it lead me to a realization: on reddit, there are two crowds that don’t get the joke. The first is the people the sarcasm makes fun of. The second is people on your side that just really love correcting people. Treating you like you’re serious is a chance to correct you and gain community approval for how “right” they are. They miss the sarcasm because they’re so excited to correct someone and gain community approval for it.
This isn’t a problem in real life: you know who you’re around, and you make sarcastic jokes when everyone around you knows your stance already. I can see why /s became a sort of necessary protection on reddit. We can hope to not have to protect ourselves from people like that here, and not need /s as a result.
I like “lemonian”, a lot.
i just kinda stopped using reddit around then, mainly only became active again because stuck at home.
Always lurked, just stopped posting after so many insane arguments over sarcasm. Really should have been a cross instead of a slash.
It’s a slash because it’s a shortened version of <sarcasm></sarcasm>, fake HTML tags that used to be used on forums.
oh im aware
RIP Sarcasm