No more Pornhub? That will depend on what happens with a Senate bill::A Senate bill might cause the owners of Pornhub to block access to the site in Canada, its owners say.

  • Max-P
    141 year ago

    I think they all just fundamentally don’t understand how the Internet works and how it doesn’t care about borders.

    They approach it like companies are providing services to users directly like you just walked into a store and they’re in full control of everything. Like companies are explicitly entering all the markets worldwide by being available on the Internet and providing their services to users. Obviously if you provide services to Canadian users you must be a company with a presence on Canadian soils.

    Except you can’t exactly put customs on the Internet like you can block sketchy imports from China when they arrive at the border. It literally crosses the border at the speed of light.

    • @aelwero
      61 year ago

      I’m reasonably certain that once enough governments jump on the “we need to control the internets” bandwagon, there will be a region specific convention adopted similar to country codes for phone numbers so that they can, in fact, apply customs to it…

      I suspect it won’t be in the name of righteousness though, more likely it’ll be taxes, copyright, etc, on internet sales that trigger it.

      • @jaybone
        11 year ago

        Don’t IP addresses already provide you with region info?

        • @Weslee
          11 year ago

          America’s IP addresses are governed by ARIN, how long until you see that name in headlines for controversy…

    • @Weslee
      11 year ago

      But somewhere down the line someone knows, either the lawmakers, or the advisors, or maybe they all know and it’s just grandstanding to those of the public that don’t know.

      Really all this does is train the people with the drive or ability to learn things like DevOps to be even better at circumventing it, well this is not that hard, but generally, laws like this.