Assuming our simulation is not designed to auto-scale (and our Admins don’t know how to download more RAM), what kind of side effects could we see in the world if the underlying system hosting our simulation began running out of resources?

  • @dohpaz42
    17 months ago

    Continuing with the thought experiment, if you shut it down completely, you’d lose valuable information that was stored in the other ram modules. It’s also reasonable to suggest that resetting the state of such a complex simulation would be more complex (maybe even impossible) and detrimental to the simulation.

    Of course another thought just occurred to me: maybe we’re not a computer simulation, but an organic simulation (as in a Petri dish in a lab). Then there would be no reason for ram or hot swappable modules, or any machine parts whatsoever.

    It would mean that space is as finite as the Petri dish, but since we’re so small we’d never know it because to us it would be so vast and impossible to reach the edges.