• @GoddessOfGouda
    1 year ago

    Rape charges don’t materialize from thin air. If she reported it then yes, fuck Jake not because of his penis, but because he did not obtain consent.

    For some reason this thread has become chock full of people who seem to think men can do no wrong and “equality” means charging both people for rape even though only one of them felt they were assaulted. It’s understandable considering the demographics of the internet and social media sites like lemmy in general (often young men, teenagers, etc). But this is what the poster is talking about — you continue to make assumptions about what this woman has decided to do and consent to, when you have no right to those assumptions because she is intoxicated. It’s incredibly simple, but this thread is blinded by “woman bad” rhetoric around rape charges.

    If you don’t rape, you won’t be in this situation. No ifs ands or buts about it. You can argue with me all you want, you can call me crazy all you want, it doesn’t change the fact I am right. Whining and crying about the unfairness of the courts when it comes to assault charges is a cringey position to take. Do better.

    • @[email protected]
      651 year ago

      So charge the woman with rape charges as well. It’s either both were raped or neither were. He was drunk and she took advantage of him.

      • @GoddessOfGouda
        -521 year ago

        Did he wake up and think, “oh damn, I didn’t want to have sex last night”? If so, then yes, charge her. If not, then once again, he is in the wrong.

        • @Crackhappy
          241 year ago

          Did you ever to stop to think that you are sexist?

          • @GoddessOfGouda
            -201 year ago

            lol you’re sooo close to the point

            No, not me, but you’re on the right track!

        • @stoly
          181 year ago

          Look. It’s pretty clear that you’ve had some trauma but that’s nobody’s fault here. We have a right to free discourse without having to suffer your issues. Wish you well.

          • @GoddessOfGouda
            -211 year ago

            What is the point of this comment? I have never been raped, if that is what you’re implying. I’m capable of empathizing with victims of rape

        • @mriormro
          161 year ago

          You’re fucking insane.

          • @GoddessOfGouda
            -201 year ago

            Nah, I empathize with victims of rape. I urge them to report it when it happens. If you think that’s insane, well, says more about you than it does me

            • @mriormro
              141 year ago

              This isn’t empathy it’s a weird bit you’re trying to pull that’s intentionally misunderstanding or misrepresenting made up scenarios in which drunk people had sex.

              • @GoddessOfGouda
                1 year ago

                Sorry you’re perceiving it that way, but no, you’re wrong.

                I know you want me to be like “oh no poor guy, men have it so hard in the dating world” but I’m not…. I don’t feel sorry for guys who get charged with rape — it’s a simple concept: don’t rape. Don’t assault.

                It’s funny that the people on this post have such a problem with that.

        • @[email protected]
          151 year ago

          Are you really trying to say women can’t be trusted with their actions when drinking? You want men to make all their decisions for them? You can’t be a real person.

          • @GoddessOfGouda
            -121 year ago

            That’s not at all what I’m saying. Are you saying that intoxicated consent is valid consent?

    • @[email protected]
      391 year ago

      It’s heavily implied she consented while intoxicated, which is impossible according to the poster, and is therefore considered rape, even though both were under the influence

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          Legal consent in criminal law and legal consent for contracts are two different things. It’s like you haven’t even read § 1-201 of the UCC…geeez! (/s on that last part if it wasn’t clear)

          • @WoahWoah
            21 year ago

            They both derive from the standard and have been interpreted differently given the different contexts and applications. For the purposes of this conversation about the poster, they’re similar enough to make the point. I’m not bringing suit, I’m trying to explain why legal consent and intoxication bear on one another in a court.

      • @GoddessOfGouda
        -171 year ago

        And? If either one of them felt as though they were taken advantage of, they should report the rape, no?

    • @running_ragged
      61 year ago

      It’s the gross assumption that the man won’t regret his actions. Or that he wouldn’t be shamed and ridiculed just for trying to claim he didn’t want it.

      You do better.

      • @GoddessOfGouda
        1 year ago

        lol what? Literally what, a dozen times now? I’ve said if he was raped, he should report it. Stop putting words in my mouth lol

        you do better, rape sympathizer.

        This thread is full of prepubescent teen boys who seem to think “mens rights” are under attack and that rape is edgy. Y’all are absolutely insane, and I think it’s very telling that you continue to try to make me seem like the bad person here. Make no mistake: it’s y’all lol

        • @running_ragged
          51 year ago

          I’ve said if he was raped, he should report it. Stop putting words in my mouth lol I think you should stop putting words in your own mouth. Either you’re intentionally trolling or a blatant misandrist.

          He was drunk, therefore she didn’t get consent. So she did rape him. Period.

          However, you and I both know if he tried to report it, it is a near certainty that it would go nowhere, and he’d be mocked and ridiculed for it not just enjoying how lucky he was to have had the attentions of a woman on him.

          It’s a disgusting double standard and you’ve shown that you’re part of the problem.

          • @GoddessOfGouda
            -31 year ago

            The end all be all here is — don’t rape. Idk why you’ve got such a problem with that, most reasonable people don’t. If you can’t understand that then I don’t think you have any right to say who is a problem at all 😂

          • @GoddessOfGouda
            1 year ago

            lol who is spouting the double standards?? “If he tried to report it it wouldn’t go anywhere” ummm not true? Kinda sounds like you’re speaking from experience lol

            It’s okay one day your frontal lobe will be fully formed and you’ll understand the basics of how the world works.

            Keep labeling me whatever you want, the only one who is in the wrong is you lol