Do you find open source games interesting/good thing as a gamer?

@games I am a game developer working on game called Mushy Score. I decided that my niche would be to create open source games. I think these could be helpful for developers or teachers to teach about games and how they are made. Most open source games are small game jam games, but there are few “real games” that are open source like 0 A.D. and Doom. As a non-developer do you think open source games could be good thing?

  • @dumpsterlid
    1 year ago

    Some open source games I love

    • Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead
    • Panzer Marshal
    • Shattered Pixel Dungeon
    • @Anticorp
      21 year ago

      Shattered Pixel Dungeon is the best mobile game I’ve played since FTL and that was only available on tablet. It’s a wonderful game. I like it so much that I sent the developer $10 just as a sign of appreciation.

      • @dumpsterlid
        21 year ago

        Absolutely, I honestly find the trope of penetrating into repetitive grey dungeon a really unappealing theme for an entire game but Shattered Pixel Dungeon just has such a tight core gameplay loop I end up enjoying myself.