New Trades Union Congress (TUC) analysis reveals Women’s Pay Day – the day when the average woman stops working for free compared to the average man – is today, Wednesday 21 February. In some industries and in some parts of the country where the gender pay gap is wider, women effectively work for free for even longer

Women’s Pay Day: 52 days of working for free

New TUC analysis published on 21 February reveals that the average woman effectively works for free for nearly two months of the year compared to the average man. This is because the gender pay gap for all employees currently stands at 14.3%.

This pay gap means that working women must wait 52 days – nearly two months – before they stop working for free on Women’s Pay Day today.

And the analysis also shows that at current rates of progress, it will take 20 years – until 2044 – to close the gender pay gap.

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    • @magiccupcake
      18 months ago

      Sure, but why are women the ones staying with kids the majority of the time. Why don’t men want to?

      • @Feathercrown
        28 months ago

        Not that this would solve the societal issues, but practically paternity leave is rare.