• @[email protected]
    178 months ago

    The weird part of it is they’re doing it in an election year. They passed those temporary spending bills specifically so they could appear to be keeping the government running into 2024, but they’re gonna dig their heels in now?

    Sounds like a recipe for getting clobbered in an election year, and I’m here for it.

    • Flying Squid
      108 months ago

      You would think. But then you would think Trump wouldn’t even poll remotely close to Biden just based on his past performance too. So I have no idea if this will be bad for them or not.

      • @[email protected]
        38 months ago

        It’s bad for them. Republicans are always blamed for government shutdowns because they make a big kerfuffle about their symbolic stance against Big Government expenditures. Republicans generally agree with the symbolism, excepting the part where many of them don’t get paid.

        • Flying Squid
          68 months ago

          I sincerely hope you’re right on that for all of our sakes.

    • @hglman
      58 months ago

      The gop feels confident they can just say it’s the Democrats ’ fault, and their voters will accept it. That seem more accurate than ever.

      • @rayyy
        38 months ago

        Exactly. Republicans are working hard to ensure a border crisis and an economic downturn. Money isn’t being sent to Ukraine workers here are making good money making equipment and ammunition that will be sent there. Republicans, and Putin, don’t want that so they are blocking the aid package.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        I’m almost certain they will, but they’ll have to ignore much more reality than they have in the past to do it, such as Biden saying he’d sign the bill that had everything they wanted. It won’t be as easy to pin this on Democrats when it’s been made clear long in advance that it’s the GOP holding things up.

    • @Furedadmins
      38 months ago

      They have constantly capitulated to extremists in their party. If even a single Republican wants to shut something down now they do since…reasons? Appearance of party unity means more than anything to them.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        I think the reason is because that’s all they have left. They don’t have a platform, and they know culture war bullshit doesn’t sell, except in specific areas of the country.

    • @Maggoty
      18 months ago

      If they get their base riled up and enough Democrats stay home because Biden can’t be bothered to pressure Israel on the low low bar of not committing genocide…

      They only need to win by one.