White House to weaken climate-fighting fuel efficiency targets for 2030::The plan faced opposition from OEMs, car dealers, and the United Auto Workers.

  • @roofuskit
    41 year ago

    All the women who die of ectopic pregnancies in red states will be your fault.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      So if we reelect Biden, that won’t happen? Doesn’t that mean he can stop that from happening now since he is currently president?

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Were you only in the fight because you thought winning would be easy?

        We need to not abandon vulnerable leftists just because we don’t like liberals, because the alternative you have is worse and pretending otherwise is spitting in the face of a lot of people who won’t have the luxary of taking off their denims and patches.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Sure. Whenever Biden is criticized for lack of action and weak-ass attempts at making anything better, we’re told “the president isn’t a king and he actually doesn’t have much power to do anything so you can’t criticize him!” Whenever someone talks about voting third party it’s “you’re scum that supports facism. Voting third party is the same as voting Republican. If Trump gets reelected, he’ll single handedly destroy the country and take away our freedoms and it’ll be all your fault.”

          This is horseshit and neither party deserves to be in power in this country as neither one has done a god damned thing but milk us for our labor and wealth and keep us fed with bullshit to bicker over with each other.

          The reason why Trump got elected, the supreme court got a 6-3 conservative majority, and things like Roe v Wade were overturned is because of people like Clinton and the Democratic leadership being so shitty that a reality TV host and known conman seemed more appealing to enough of the population. Continuing to vote the same way every election and expecting anything to change is absolutely insane.

          With the Republican party being so vile, the only thing Democratic politicians need to do to keep your vote is just be marginally less evil and use the proper buzzwords and terminology to make you think they’re on your side. They have absolutely zero incentive to rock the boat and actually fix anything because that might mean they can’t retain power over at least 50% of the government at any given time.

          • @[email protected]
            41 year ago

            One side is milquetoast liberals and the other is christofascists who will be gunning trans people and their allies down in the street like rabid dogs.

            I’m sorry you find it such a difficult choice.

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              Milquetoast liberals mean nothing will ever get better for trans people regardless of the side that wins and continuing to vote for either one of these parties just ensures both of them retain power and things stay the same for yet another election cycle. People are gunning down trans people and their allies in the streets right now. If Biden winning in 2020 didn’t stop it, how does him winning in 2024 stop it?

              • @[email protected]
                21 year ago

                It has gotten better for trans people.

                Even 15 years ago teenagers in the west coast of all places would be told by their loved ones that if they were trans they would be cursing themselves to a life of prostitution.

                I like to think about how far the trans community has gone and I don’t want to see them go back to square one because you are having a temper tantrum.

                • @[email protected]
                  31 year ago

                  Meanwhile numerous laws are passing banning conversion therapy, banning bathroom usage, banning birth certificate changes, banning public displays, banning books, and banning sports participation and you think this means things are getting better?

                  You just claimed we’re potentially months away from people openly hunting trans people in the streets and you think that’s better than how things were 15 years ago? Open your eyes.

                  • @[email protected]
                    11 year ago

                    And you are sitting on the sidelines in horror telling us you won’t even vote against the anti trans agenda.

                    I wish everybody had your privilege.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            neither party deserves to be in power in

            However one of them will be no matter if you like it or not.

            The question is: are you willing to prevent the greater evil from seizing power by not voting against the much worse option?

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              If they will no matter what, then we citizens don’t actually hold any power in elections, and things will continue on this path forever. Picking “evil” over “greater evil” doesn’t accomplish anything but maintaining the status quo.

      • @roofuskit
        21 year ago

        It’s the exact sentiment that got Trump elected the first time. I guess of they’re only staying home this time the fall of our democracy and the thousands of dead queer people will be their fault. Is that better? I made it more accurate for you.