• Eggyhead
    27 months ago

    Got tempted by the promotions on PS store and went in with my friend. Considering most of everything was already over, I felt like uninvested in everything. We tried PVP to play with some weapons we thought were cool, but just ended up getting pounded into the ground with hand cannons. One or two quick pops and it’s time to go back to spawn. The game works really hard at making new players not want anything to do with it. I bought the other expansions to see the other areas, but I think it literally a waste of money.

    • @jordanlund
      27 months ago

      The sad thing is, back in the day, Destiny 1? It was legit a great game.

      Then somewhere between 1 and 2, they forgot how to make a game. They forgot that people engage with story missions.

      Here’s an example:

      In Destiny 1, you start on Earth, the missions all have level markers. You play through in order levelling up. You unlock the moon and play those missions too, then when you’re a high enough level, there’s a strike that completes Earth, and a strike that completes the Moon.

      Any of these missions can be directly selected and replayed from the map at will.

      Roll forward to Destiny 2 - You get de-powered. Everything is a chore. There are story missions but you have no idea what level they are, you can only play them in the order Bungie has selected for you, and the only way to re-play them is from a Weekly Heroic playlist selector.

      Same for strikes. You can’t choose which one you want to play, they appear on a random playlist and sometimes it will be something new and other times it will be the same strike you just played EIGHT TIMES IN A ROW.

      Eventually Bungie decides to remove the rewards from the Weekly Heroic Story playlist, causing people to stop playing it, which they take as “Well, people aren’t interested in story missions…” and remove them from the game.