• @bassomitron
    37 months ago

    Space is unfathomably enormous. I’d much rather have heavy industry fucking up shit in space than destroying our planet to strip it of its resources. I say let them go up there for asteroid/moon/whatever mining.

    • @NocturnalMorning
      47 months ago

      Yes, that’s true, but low earth orbit isn’t. If we put too much junk up there, we can kiss going to space goodbye.

      • @raspberriesareyummy
        7 months ago

        we can kiss going to space goodbye.

        and all satellite services, such as GPS & earth observation…

      • @bassomitron
        7 months ago

        I didn’t say anything about LEO, as last I checked there isn’t much heavy industry that would be appealing to do in that area. Asteroid or moon mining and production would be outside of LEO. But yes, too much space garbage in LEO is a bad thing that should definitely be avoided as much as possible.

        I just think taking a strict anti-commercial stance in space is a bit naive and unreasonable. Like I said, it’s enormous, who gives a shit what Blue Origin or SpaceX or whoever ends up doing in the asteroid belt a hundred years from now?

        • @NocturnalMorning
          07 months ago

          Did you miss the part where I said I work in the space industry, I have 10 years of engineering experience, and I’ve been out of school a long damn time. Don’t insult my intelligence. I’m not a child, and I’m certainly not naive. Go spout off your uninformed opinions elsewhere. I’m in a bad mood today, haven’t been sleeping well, and I really don’t feel like explaining basic shit to you just so you understand my point of view.

      • @AA5B
        07 months ago

        It’s not though. New regulations require 5 year deorbit from Leo, and StarLink has bedn delivering on that

        • @NocturnalMorning
          17 months ago

          Yeah, China has done a bang up job of following that by blowing up satellites… they basically undid 25 years worth of cleanup efforts with that one selfish act. Seriously, yall need to go somewhere else. I’m not having this conversation with people who are uninformed. I’m tired of it.

      • @ricdeh
        -17 months ago

        Luckily, the moon is in Low Earth Orbit! It’s good to have you on out side, comrade

        • @NocturnalMorning
          37 months ago

          The moon isn’t in LEO actually. But you have to go through LEO to get there.