Reddit said in a filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission that its users’ posts are “a valuable source of conversation data and knowledge” that has been and will continue to be an important mechanism for training AI and large language models. The filing also states that the company believes “we are in the early stages of monetizing our user base,” and proceeds to say that it will continue to sell users’ content to companies that want to train LLMs and that it will also begin “increased use of artificial intelligence in our advertising solutions.”

On Wednesday, Reuters reported that Reddit has entered a contract with Google, which will license its content for $60 million a year in order to train Google’s AI models.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          How are they NOT?! Paying Reddit money to have someone go EDIT THANKS 4 DA AWARD KIND STRANGER is stupid, and it caused every thread to be clogged with asinine comments like “I WISH I CUD GIV U A WARD!”

          I don’t know if you were there before gold existed, but it was a lot more like… Lemmy. None of that twaddle.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Anyway, it was a bad place. I’ve seen it being interesting somewhere in 2019, after that always worse and worse.

      Fuck users or not, not sure whether they could really control that descent, even if they tried.