The parent said the book forced her to discuss sexuality with her second-grade daughter.

  • Riskable
    31 year ago

    “The right for me to decide when my child learned about this topic…”

    WTF‽ You have no such right! As much as they’d wish it no parent has the right or the power to prevent their children from learning things. Especially factual things!

    This means that the best you can do as a parent is to prepare your child for the real world by telling them about all the things. Preferably with facts and not religious bullshit.

    Religious people hate that their kids are being exposed to LGBTQ stuff outside of home because it normalizes it. When their kids see LGBTQ people on occasion and nothing at all happens as a result this flies in the face of religious teachings that these people are evil. It might have the kid start questioning the religion! “If the religion is wrong about that maybe it’s wrong about other things…” The horror!

    I know that when my kids go online they very well could be exposed to all sorts of nasty things from red pill nonsense to Nazi propaganda to cult recruiting. The best I can do is prepare them for those things by showing them right from wrong in clear, ethical logic and reason.

    I teach them about the history of religion and how propaganda works. This not only inoculates them from general bullshit it also makes them less likely to fall victim to scams and become a victim of people abusing their authority.

    That’s the thing, isn’t it? If you teach kids what propaganda looks like and how people are often manipulated by figures of authority it not only makes them excellent critical thinkers it makes them question religion. Because what keeps religion going? Propaganda, indoctrination, and abuse of authority!

    Want to drastically increase the likelihood of your children falling victim to scams, being sexually abused, and generally being awful people? Regularly put them in churches and place them in the hands of other religious institutions!