having refined to a bunch of great combinations of artists through Love and Light, here is the first ai art generator I have made using the fruits of that and toward the goal of comfort and ease of creating great, high quality images.

Type in a place like: the planet of zarfnogulon 5

then touch meow

wait for prompt

wait for images

cower in awe of greatest images you ever dun see

edit: also

  • BluePower
    31 year ago

    @Alllo Suggestion: You could give the “here is the allo hub” link on the bottom some more space (the CSS padding stuff) so people wouldn’t misclick to the comments’ submit button, especially on mobile devices, and you could also do this on other generators. Otherwise, that’s another one of your cool generators 🎆

    (Not to mention it also brought me to loveandlight not the-forest-of-magic, I know you just “deprecated” your old generator hub page)

    • alloOP
      21 year ago

      thank you!

      Yes the forest of magic is falling too far behind the left button of love and light.