My girlfriend has never really gamed. But she’s now forced to move less than she would like to (health problem) and she’s getting bored. I was thinking of introducing her to a game or two that we could play together. She’s not the real action game type, and seeing as she has no experience with controller/mouse and keyboard I was thinking starting simple.

I can’t think of anything else than Factorio, as she likes organizing/keeping track of stuff.

Would you recommend against that or have anything better in mind? Let me know!

  • @the16bitgamer
    11 year ago

    Hummm easy games. I think it depends of their tastes and what they like to do.

    I can think of a few games which might be fun, but perhaps she should watch some lets plays to see if it peaks her interest.

    Lil Guardsman is a fun game my SO showed me recently.

    Stardew Vally

    Potion/crafting games are something else, Potionomics might be fun.

    Oh point and clicks might be fun too, but I can think of anything outside of Grim Fandango or Monkey Island

    Animal Crossing is always relaxing

    My SO and I played Persona 5 together too, I played the game while she was my navigatior who made conversation choices.