G Stylus 2023 - went from $119 to $199, no longer attractive since 5G stylus is still $249

5G Power went from $179(?) to $299, lolwut? The 5G Stylus is a higher model and still $249

G Play 2023 is still $99 and a good deal but quite limited with 32GB flash and Mediatek CPU

G Play 2024 introduced at $149, a nice incremental upgrade to the 2023 model, has 64GB flash, but get this, they have dropped the SD slot.

The last bit is disturbing since no other 2024 models are yet announced. I wonder if they will drop the SD slot in all of them. Not good.

I got a 5G Stylus a couple months ago and still like it a lot. I had been thinking of getting one of the lower models for my brother since he doesn’t care about 5G. The 2023 non-5G Stylus looked great at $119 but lame at $199. The 2023 and 2024 G Plays are both still of interest.


  • @aluminium
    47 months ago

    The Moto Stylus phones, do they have a proper stylus with preasure sensitivity like the Samsung S Pen or just a built-in “dumb touchscreen toucher”?

    • @solrizeOP
      47 months ago

      Dumb touchscreen toucher, and doesn’t work super well, but I like having it. It’s handy for poking UI elements and light photo editing. Probably useless for good art.

      • @aluminium
        27 months ago

        Ok thanks. I was kinda expecting that. Sad that Samsung is the only OEM with a proper stylus.