Alabama’s supreme court ruling that frozen embryos are ‘children’ is a chilling example of the Republican party’s extremism

In a case centering on wrongful-death claims for frozen embryos that were accidentally destroyed at a fertility clinic, the Alabama supreme court ruled last Friday that frozen embryos are “children” under state law.

As a result, several Alabama in-vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics are ceasing services, afraid to store or destroy any embryos.

The underlying issue is whether government can interfere in the most intimate aspects of people’s lives – not only barring people from obtaining IVF services but also forbidding them from entering into gay marriage, utilizing contraception, having out-of-wedlock births, ending their pregnancies, changing their genders, checking out whatever books they want from the library, and worshipping God in whatever way they wish (or not worshipping at all).

All these private freedoms are under increasing assault from Republican legislators and judges who want to impose their own morality on everyone else. Republicans are increasingly at war with America’s basic separation of church and state.

  • NutWrench
    81 year ago

    Republicans also want to bring back 19th century Company Towns. Then, they will fill them with obedient workers, who they can pay as little as they want and abuse as much as they like.

    This is why they overturned Roe vs Wade and they’re going after contraception next. They need citizen’s to breed.

    • @ripcord
      1 year ago

      They need citizen’s what to breed?