On the internet, it is common to call a guy a misogynist, but what is the exact meaning of misogynist? Is it 1. A guy who hates women? Or 2. a guy who thinks men are superior. Or 3. A guy who believes in women should follow traditional norms like cooking. 

    • @Feathercrown
      127 months ago

      If you don’t know what being a misogynist is how can you know nothing’s wrong?

    • @Nefara
      117 months ago

      In your posts you make a lot of sweeping generalizations about all women being this or that without seeming to recognize that half of all the humans on earth are women. It’s not like we’re some subset or subclass or minority. There is basically no statement you could make that could actually apply to ALL women. So perhaps why you are running into people using this term with you is that you are ignoring a women’s personhood.

      If some guy with blond hair was a jerk to you, would you go online and complain about how all blond people are jerks and they don’t like you and you don’t understand why they’re all so hostile? You would probably recognize that that one person was just a jerk. Then if you were a jerk to every blond person you met from then on, based on that experience, they would probably all respond to you poorly back and just feed a loop of nastiness and resentment.

      If you don’t want to be a misogynist, then you must learn and remember that every woman is a person of their own, with their own personalities and histories and just as many idiosyncrasies, faculties, and basic rights as any man.

    • @radicalautonomy
      67 months ago

      No woman is going to want to date you, and it’s not because you are short and ugly, it’s because you hate yourself, you paint all women with an impossibly shallow brush, you have a shit personality, and you have an unwillingness to do even a modicum of work to learn, grow, and improve yourself, choosing instead to wallow in self-pity. Quit whining and become a better person.

      There, just saved you $10,000 in therapy bills.

        • @radicalautonomy
          47 months ago

          Nothing you haven’t deleted. I saw your comments this morning. You definitely made sweeping assumptions about women in general. Lying about it and deleting evidence doesn’t change this fact.

    • @dvoraqs
      47 months ago

      Here’s an opinion of somebody unwilling to reflect or learn.

        • purplexed
          47 months ago

          Real talk here bro, stop worrying about making yourself “perfect” for someone, or rather anyone, else. Stop trying to make yourself what you idolize, or what you perceive to be idolized.

          You are you, you are a person. Take care of yourself first. You need to change your mentality and realize that you do have redeeming qualities. You need to focus on those.

          Learn to love yourself first, trust me on this one.

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      It’s not about how you look. You’re just a bad person with a shit personality. That’s why no one likes you. You need to be a better person and get off the Internet, because it seems like it’s a big part of your problem, or you need to give up.