Please start your comments with the following question answered at the top:

“Will you vote for Biden in the 2024 election?” [Y/N]

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    There should be zero reason to vote for Biden because he said he would be a 1 term president and should have used the time to push new voices of other members of the Democrat party up into the spotlight while working on big policy plans even if they wouldn’t go through.

    Instead even the vice president disappeared of the face of the earth and the DNC is considering Governors Newsom and Whitmer as replacements for Biden if he dies in office.

    They waste so much time and do so little to actually make an impact in the minds of voters.

      • @[email protected]
        77 months ago


        “I feel good and all I can say is, watch me, you’ll see,” he said. “It doesn’t mean I would run a second term. I’m not going to make that judgment at this moment.”

        I mean he did, then rolled back on it but before his election.
        But that’s fair I didn’t hear the rollback and he took it back before he was even elected. It doesn’t make his Staffers saying he is too old to run again in 2024 all the way back in 2019 look very good though.

        • @Cryophilia
          37 months ago

          I’m not going to make that judgment at this moment

          Is not anywhere close to

          I will be a one term president

          • @[email protected]
            -17 months ago

            How about:

            It doesn’t mean I would run a second term.

            Cause he said it during an interview about his age before his first election and it’s right there being ignored by you to pull a different part of his statement.

            Did he backpedal even before he was officially elected, sure did. But he was happy to imply he was thinking about single term during the race.

            • @Cryophilia
              37 months ago

              It doesn’t mean I would run a second term.

              Is also not anywhere close to

              I will be a one term president

              • @[email protected]
                17 months ago

                You keep waiting for the perfect statement, trying to weasel around the fact that he didn’t directly say exactly what was implied. Even happy to pull apart the wrong parts of a sentence just to confuse the statement more.
                Him talking about he feels good for being old but just because he feels ok now doesn’t mean he will run for a second term, is him using language to imply that he is considering a single term. Which he reversed on so that the conversation wouldn’t be about how old he is.

                But I guess the card says moops.

                • @Cryophilia
                  07 months ago

                  trying to weasel around the fact that he didn’t directly say exactly what was implied.

                  I’m not trying to weasel around it, that’s my entire point. You believed he said something but he never said or meant it. It was a narrative built up by others. He was considering a single term. He never decided on a single term.

                  • @[email protected]
                    7 months ago

                    I was quoting Biden! From the article about this where they talk about the interview he had before the election talking about his age and his reluctance to immediately say he was gonna run a second term! Also you respond so fast you are online way too much.

                    He didn’t mean it.
                    He was considering a single term.
                    He never decided on a single term.

                    You have an idea of the answer you want. Which makes this conversation pointless. The card says moops so ha I’m wrong because the answer isn’t perfect.

                    If he considered running for a single term and told people that, then he told people he was considering being a single term president.

                    He changed his mind because the narrative of him being to old to run again would make hime look weak. I get it but christ you just won’t accept it. I’m not gonna argue with someone that uses logical fallacies to ignore reality. I’ve corrected my stance to align with reality I’m done trying to fix yours.

    • @zerog_bandit
      37 months ago

      This comment is so full of misinformation that I have to assume it is a GOP psyop

      • @[email protected]
        -27 months ago

        Nah just a pissed progressive Democrat using some slightly outdated statements for the term limitation as he backed off that and it was the stated goal from his staff not him.

        Harris actually is getting bad numbers and there is casual conversation about not having the VP take over if Biden croaked.
        That and im just generally tired of the bullshit.

        • @zerog_bandit
          07 months ago

          I swear I’m one of you guys! I just look, walk, and quack like a Trump tard

    • @givesomefucks
      17 months ago

      They’re obsessed with money because they forget money isn’t the end goal.

      Sure, it might cost millions of dollars to convince someone to eat a shit sandwich. But if the real goal is just getting them to eat, you could probably just give them a free pizza.

      They compromise shitty candidates for donations to convince people to vote for the shitty candidate. But those compromises for donor money means they now need more do or money. It’s a never ending cycle

      If you mention we could just run a good candidate and need less money they start screeching. Because they like the lifestyle of being important and having wealthy connected people suck up to them.