He was a member of Akron’s Serve The People mutual aid organization.

  • @Daft_ish
    7 months ago

    Our ballot needs options, period. Ranked choice would go a long way but oppressors will never give the people theyre oppressing the tools to escape oppression.

    The US ballot is damage control. You vote to minimize people’s suffering and that’s all you can basically do. It’s such bunk that we even get so worked up over the general election. We should spend more time focusing on our communities. Except the powers that be keep us busy with toil so we never get a chance to even field our local governments. Being a productive citizen takes a good amount of time. Capitalism refuses to budget us that time.

    I am a firm believer if we kept everything about the US government the same but gave people back their free time we would see the country go through a whole new enlightenment.

    It won’t happen. Except, I’ve been wrong.


    Like what if we just stopped trying to make a buck for the Musk’s and Bezo’s. What if we focused our labor force on the essentials. Work from home, cripple the auto industry. Content yourself with having more processing power than you’ll ever need just in the palm of your hand. Reteach ourselves to cook for ourselves. Invest in infustracture and refurbish our run down cities.

    Sorry, I was dreaming to myself again.

    • @middlemanSI
      27 months ago

      You are fighting an uphill battle. The mind rape is strong. Keep expressing truth and hope for the idea to reach critical mass. The bad thing about this is that US has so many firearms the potencial change could be bloody af. The “ruling” class and their cult-like followers will excite violence before relinquish their fake power.

      • @Daft_ish
        7 months ago

        Long gone are the days when love could conquer all. Long gone is my opportunity to live in an enlightened America. For all the other geezers out there; maybe we ought to prepare the ones who come after. They still have a chance.

        • @steveman_ha
          17 months ago

          Thanks for the reminder 🙏 Cheers