Hi all,

first off I’d just like to say how blown away I am by the potentials of Perchance. I bet to most of you this is baby stuff but for me this is my first step in to this world and its just incredible stuff.

So I have a question…more so to if its possible and then I’ll properly wrap my head around the coding of it.

I’m looking to create a short sequence of scenes, like a still animation. Some time the background will stay the same but the character would change pose say. Or maybe the background (say a kitchen scene as example) may change camera angle/view and the character would change position/pose. Im not looking to create frame by frame stuff. Just scene changes but retaining features through out. I totally can see it being possible to do, was just hoping to hear some advice from people that have much more experience than I do.

If any of that doesn’t make sense (most probably!) please just ask and I’ll try to better explain.



p.s. Oh I should probably state that I plan to use t2i to create the scenes, then overlay/combine character and adjust accordingly

  • allo
    7 months ago

    haha ‘code refinements’ = story of my life

    that literally was my best attempt at making a starter thing lol

    i tried to go over every line with care and make the html simple and exact.

    funny you immediately notice im a noob anyway, lol!

    you could always go over it and refine it as you see it to it’s next better state :)

    • BluePower
      37 months ago

      @Alllo Every time I woke up, I immediately saw your post or reply at some time, then if I wanted to reply with that, I’ll do that. Definitely will take a look at the code at some point and maybe transform it into my own entire generator 😄

      • MindBlown! 🌬️🤯OP
        27 months ago

        Thanks guys, this is greatly appreciated :) I’m going to sink my teeth in and try and get up to speed a bit (well, maybe a hurried walk, or a jog in fact. Not quite speed! lol)