To use political jargon, Nikki Haley—who has lost primary contests in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and her home state of South Carolina—does not have a snow ball’s chance in hell of winning the GOP nomination for president. Still, she is apparently intent on not going down without a fight, and to that end, the former governor has a message for voters: Anyone who votes for Donald Trump has a death wish for America.

  • @ansiz
    441 year ago

    Nikki Haley and others like her keep insisting that the ‘real’ GOP isn’t based on Trump politics, when are they are going admit that it’s the REAL GOP committing a murder/suicide on America. And the Dems are just the meme of the dog in the room on fire.

    • @JeeBaiChow
      121 year ago

      And yet they treat the primaries with so little concern that the orange doofus is almost guaranteed to be the gop nominee come November. One half of the gop wants trump in the white house. The other half, it seems, just doesn’t care.