• @perpetually_fried
    -663 months ago

    I reregistered as independent after voting for Obama twice, Hillary, and then Biden.

    Far left and far right are absolute lunatics, and the left will demonize you for trying to be centrist. So voting for Trump or uncommitted we go.

    • Pistcow
      473 months ago

      Centrist can eat my whole asshole with the “we need to listen to both sides, including literal Nazis”. Intolerance need not to be tolerated.

      • @perpetually_fried
        -443 months ago

        I’d argue your hypothetical asshole eating centrist is more open minded and empathetic for the needs of their partner than anyone on the far left or right.

        • @[email protected]
          23 months ago

          Okay buddy, cool comment. Too bad it has literally no meaning or bearing on the issue at hand. Please take a civics course.

    • @return2ozmaOP
      343 months ago

      The centrists have their basic needs met and aren’t part of a social group that is threatened so they see both sides as a waste.

      • @perpetually_fried
        -353 months ago

        To add on to this, centrists realize neither side can actually change the things their extremists are looking for which feeds into the idea they’re a waste.

        More people need to get off the internet and interact with people, or do what I’m doing and jump into the leftists lion den for conversations like this.

        And please, don’t fool yourself. Lemmy is even more left leaning than Reddit.

        • Deceptichum
          93 months ago

          You’re a vile piece of shit judging from your post history, you’re fooling yourself if you think you’re converting anyone who didn’t already agree with that shit.

        • @[email protected]
          13 months ago

          Lemmy prides itself with being left leaning. Status quo centrists are not interested in accomplishing anything or improving America. So Biden is your man actually.

    • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
      273 months ago

      Trump calls someone a RINO like every 15 minutes, and he’s far right. What are you even talking about? You should probably go with uncommitted if you’re a single issue voter on whether people called you names for being a centrist.

      • @perpetually_fried
        -293 months ago

        Some replies have been nice, and then there are some like yours. Did you not read the part where the left demonizes more often for having nuanced political viewpoints?

        • @Riccosuave
          233 months ago

          You don’t have nuanced viewpoints. Based on your comment history you are just an edgelord who gets off over being downvoted into oblivion because it makes you feel intellectually superior when people you don’t identify with heavily criticize you.

          I feel like you ended up here because you were most likely banned from Reddit, and are looking for a new dopamine fix. Whatever the reason happens to be, you’re still pathetically simple minded, and a great example of a useful political idiot.

          • @perpetually_fried
            -243 months ago

            You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.

            Then I saw your Guy Fawkes mask and realized why YOU’RE here and not on Reddit.

            • @Feathercrown
              243 months ago

              Oh no guys the left is DEMONIZING me because they don’t want me to vote for a Nazi enabler waaahhhhhh

    • @Anamnesis
      163 months ago

      The idea that you’d vote for those candidates and then Trump after seeing what a Trump term looks like is laughable. It just demonstrates that you’re either lying or have no principles whatsoever.

    • @[email protected]
      103 months ago

      FYI, there are several parties with independent in the name, so unless you intended to join one you can accidentally be registered to that party. Happened to me when I first started voting and I said I was independent and received Independent Party promotional materials shortly after. I had to go in and make it clear that I was not a member of any political party.

      When you change addresses in my state you can update your registration along with your License/State ID.

      Over the years I have stuck with ‘not a member of any political party’ and the funniest responses have been “I’ll put you under ‘refused to answer’” and “Why are you registering if you don’t vote?”

      Yes, I do vote for the Dems every election as it is the only way to vote against the Republicans. No, I don’t want to participate in their petty internal politics and primaries.

    • @[email protected]
      23 months ago

      bOtH sIdEs ArE bAd!

      That’s how idiotic you sound. The far left wants healthcare and well funded education with a decent public transit policy. The far right wants actual fascism.

      You know that Biden is the most centrist candidate right? Far left? Don’t make me fucking die laughing.