• @[email protected]
    801 year ago

    It’s such fucking childish bullshit… Every goddamn time someone on the right is called out on something they just pull a “I know what you are but what am I?”

    Everything is just flipped: Trump is the fucking crime family… Now apparently Boebert is too.

    They pull this shit with everything so that they level the playing field, when BoTh SiDeS are the same you can stick with voting for your asshole of choice because “the other one is just as bad so my dude says I’ll get free cookies, I’ll go with him.”

    • Beefy-Tootz
      271 year ago

      Now? You know both boebert and her ex-husband have criminal records, right? You know how they met? She was a minor, hanging out at a bowling alley and he, an adult, was walking around flashing his dick at children. I can’t remember exactly what hers was, but I’m pretty sure it was an assault related charge or something

      • Instigate
        191 year ago

        From the article:

        Her ex-husband – and Tyler’s father – Jayson Boebert was famously arrested in 2004 for exposing his genitals in a bowling alley where minors were present. Rep. Boebert, who was 17 and not married to him at the time, was one of the witnesses in that case. He got four days in jail and two years probation for lewd exposure and public indecency.

        • @Alcatorda
          71 year ago

          This is the very opposite of a meet-cute.

    • @[email protected]
      81 year ago

      The worst part, following your colloquialism to “level the playing field,” is that while the Republicans are pointing to distract their constituents, they’re stomping down tons of mounds of shit and trying to use some of the shit to fill in divots. When people look back at the Republicans’ field after just scrutinizing the Dems’, they’re craning their necks to see the Republican side of the field because it’s dozens of feet higher and filled with compacted poopie.

      Then, they have the audacity to look down on the people from their hill of shit and start crowing all indignantly “but is my field not as level as theirs???”