The door controls in Ressik are sci-fi beepy dealies, as if the director realized at the last minute they needed something to visually indicate this is a space-age civilization. Because… look at everything else!

Is the anachronistic depiction of Ressik just an artistic choice, or is there some deeper meaning behind it?

  • partial_accumen
    210 months ago

    Perhaps the probes were meant to work against large crowds, and that the remaining functioning systems/power only had enough for one person. Perhaps the biology of those on the Enterprise weren’t compatible in the large group format or the distance from the probe to the ship to great. Since we’re making this all up, there’s no end to it.

    I’ll posit an even more extreme set of in-universe events. The entire store of Kataan is in-universe fake. No one lived. No one died. The probe is a old culture’s version of Netflix and the Enterprise accidentally activated it. The flute in the probe is simply a mass market cheaply constructed souvenir for the customer consuming the experience. Silly humans thought it was real attributing meaning and experiencing loss for purely fictional characters in what is essentially a slightly different holosuite entertainment program.

    • Flying SquidM
      210 months ago

      That honestly works better for me than saying this is how they memorialize their civilization.

      I mean at least in Voyager’s Memorial, the memorial was supposed to be something anyone visiting the planet would get affected by in perpetuity (until Tuvok turned it off, but that was obviously not a scenario they envisioned).

      The probe in The Inner Light stops working after sending the dream (or whatever you want to call it) to Picard. It’s one-time use. So a DRM-protected ‘movie’ rental sure works better for me.