Especially when there’s some mad person with a folder where they put ALL their markups, correspondence and revisions in the same folder, with no sub folders 🤢.

  • FuglyDuck
    31 year ago

    I imagine, for them, it’s not about the ‘simple task’, its the journey.

    Maybe The Marble Machine will cheer you up. I know it cheers me up. (I discovered Wintergatan in the pandemic… love their music. and he’s still working on a new version of that thing.)

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Yeah its 100% different mindset than “path of least resistance” or “Simple is simply better” that I normally go with. I know it brings them joy but every time I see dominoes fall it just invokes a sort of small sadness. Just sigh. I get the art behind it all but then again engineering is not about the art. That architecture terrortory lol.

      I cannot believe that machine. Quite impressive.