• @[email protected]
    138 months ago

    You don’t understand biden’s border policy at all.

    He’s increased border security for his entire term and agreed to further than the most severe border closures conservatives asked for, only to have the conservatives turn tail, proving them to be bad faith negotiators.

    • @[email protected]
      -128 months ago

      Are you actually blaming the conservatives for the current amount of illegal immigration right now?

      • @[email protected]
        68 months ago

        Since they reneged on a deal two months ago to secure the border?

        Yes. Obviously.

        If two parties(Democrats and Republicans) agree to secure the border and then one party (the Republicans) reneges on the agreed proposal and runs away so that the deal falls through, it is that party’s(the Republicans) fault that the deal has fallen through.

        • @[email protected]
          -28 months ago

          I think you are referring to the bill with aid to Ukraine, Isreal and Tawaiin, corret? If so, that bill was terrible and literally did the opposite of secure the border.

          Why do they need a bill to secure the border when they already have the ability to do it?

          • @[email protected]
            8 months ago

            Passing bipartisan legislation is how things should legally and transparently be done in the US democratic system.

            A better question is; why are conservatives clutching their pearls over a non-critical issue like border security and then fleeing once someone agrees to provide funding and measures for securing the border?

            • @[email protected]
              -38 months ago

              Outside of passing a bill with billions of military aid for proxy wars in foreign countries, it was still a shitty bill. I am fine with using the system correctly, but why not stop the bleeding first and actually prosecute the law?

              Are you aware of what it even did? It literally just codified that 5000 people per day can illegally enter the country by any means, and then after that they have to go through the port of entry, and if I am remembering correctly it doesnt even start taking place till the end of the year. And then it made it so that all the court hearings adjudicating it had to take place in DC. No person should have accepted that bill even if it didnt shove military aid to kill people around the world.

              • @[email protected]
                8 months ago

                It is irrational but consistent that conservatives took getting what they wished for as a terrifying cautionary example of…getting what they wished for.

                Border security is a non-critical earmark that baby-brained conservatives whined for more action on and then cowered from once their plaintive cries were answered.

                Ukraine should get as much aid as they want. Any other conclusion is nuts. Or selfish. Or cowardly. Or short-sighted.

      • @Holyginz
        18 months ago

        Absolutely. Democrats have already tried to make several deals with the covidiots and they have refused. They don’t want a deal, they just hate brown people and want to screw over the left. Nothing at all new there.