• @[email protected]
    -18 months ago

    Okay, well that is your source.

    So if you want different numbers then the numbers everybody else agrees on, you’re going to have to provide a different source.

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      They dont agree on those number… Literally if you looked at the wiki you would see that those are not the numbers the US government even uses.

      • @[email protected]
        -18 months ago

        So we’ll ignore all the other sources, any other websites, and all of the other countries, and just look at the US estimated deaths on a Wikipedia page you are not providing but are vaguely referencing:


        That site doesn’t have that information yet. Stunning statistics, thanks for wasting that time.

        Here’s the proof of that website not having the Russian death count you are referring to:

        • @[email protected]
          28 months ago

          Yeah and as you can see all the numbers are less except Ukraine government. Why do you think people agree with the 400k number or the 30 k number?

          • @[email protected]
            8 months ago

            Okay, so let’s back up a moment and center here.

            You denied the same numbers you have provided as your sources.

            Then you said as proof that the US number of Russian deaths you think are correct are incorrect, I should check your source, Wikipedia, which has no US-estimated numbers of deaths. And finally you want to know why I agree with the 300k 30k numbers.

            All casualty reports, including those from Russia, and the Wikipedia page you keep referencing, agrer that there have been hundreds of thousands of casualties in the Russian side, and far fewer casualties on the Ukrainian side.

            These numbers make perfect sense since Ukraine has so much global support, advanced weapons and funding while Russia does not.

            These numbers make sense because Russia’s military predictions had their victory occurring at one week or less, and they’ve taken over two years so far, demonstrating how weak their military is.

            These numbers make sense because every credible source agrees on the numbers of over 300000 casualties.

            Including your sources.

            • @[email protected]
              18 months ago

              Source: wiki, which is whatever they link to.

              The US estimate of causalities; Russia - 315k - current

              Ukraine - 170-190k - as of August, so its higher now

              See sources in wiki for more details!

              • @[email protected]
                -18 months ago

                So if we choose to believe that those numbers are correct, Russians are losing soldiers two to one, have taken over 100 times longer than they thought to complete this mission, and are burdened with sanctions that will cripple them economically in the frail hopes that they’ll be able to tenuously secure two regions of a country that take their ass for two years now?

                That weak Russian military force and its leaders that have ended up ruining their own countries future prospects are the losers. Russia is the loser here.

                • @[email protected]
                  28 months ago

                  and are burdened with sanctions that will cripple them economically

                  American propaganda. Those sanctions have harmed the US more than russia. It might be one of the things that changes how economics around the world works.

                  And its still not 2 to 1, it would be 3 to 2, and russia has a much larger population to draw from. Ukraine is losing, and the best stat to confirm this is their median soldier age of 43, they are running out of people.

                  • @[email protected]
                    8 months ago

                    Wow! I’d love to hear your reasoning on how with the US dollar is booming, low unemployment, GDP growing every quarter, interest lowering, consumer spending rising, somehow the US sanctions on russia are hurting the u.s more than Russia.

                    What a topsy turvy world you live in.

                    Russian has basically insured that their top export will become largely irrelevant in the next decade, without any sanctions.

                    That’s not the win you seem to think it is.

                    Also, yes, if you make up numbers, it can sound like Russia isn’t losing as bad as it is losing, if you also ignore how they’re crippling their nation economically, diplomatically and militarily for at least decades and are getting their asses kicked for 2 years now by a country they thought they would take over in a week, without any significant permanent land gains.

                    Russia is losing hard.

                    And again, even if they get their measly two provinces temporarily, the decades of diplomatic and economic blackballing they’ll endure for at least decades, especially since everyone knows now how weak the Russian military is now, has severely ruined their future.

                    All Russia has done with this is make himself look terrible. Morally, prove that you can’t trust any treaties they sign, show how weak their military is, and ruin them financially and diplomatically.

                    Meanwhile, Ukraine is going to be supported globally and be receiving restitution from Russia for decades, after having kicked their ass in a war Russia loudly proclaimed they would win and have lost for 2 years.

                    Russia is the loser here.