I would have uploaded a picture of myself with my boyfriend at 69th Street Station (giggity) but the web site said JSON error, so… sorry. :( Here’s an ASCII heart!

       .....           .....
   ,ad8PPPP88b,     ,d88PPPP8ba,
  d8P"      "Y8b, ,d8P"      "Y8b
 dP'           "8a8"           `Yd
 8(              "              )8
 I8                             8I
  Yb,                         ,dP
   "8a,                     ,a8"
     "8a,                 ,a8"
       "Yba             adP"
         `Y8a         a8P'
           `88,     ,88'
             "8b   d8"
              "8b d8"
    22 years ago

    no offense but ur ascii heart looks like pigeon poo <3 <3 <3 <3