And it’s been rubbish so far.

My partner had to go to work because her boss wouldn’t give her the day off. My kids spent twenty minutes crying because they wanted Mummy to stay off and all I’ve done is clean the house.

How’s your Sunday going?

  • VaultBoyNewVegas
    51 year ago

    I’ve had issues with my IBD for over 5 weeks now and nothing I was doing seemed to be working (with IBD nurse advice and my prescribed meds) but now it seems I just had some progress so hopefully it’ll clear up this week. I’ve lost weight with it as I haven’t had an appetite for the last week in particular and when it clears I’m getting a fish supper that week to celebrate. So basically my Sunday is going better than I expected it to as the last week has been horrible.

    Happy Birthday OP, here’s some 🎂