I am currently playing as Ifan, and have chosen Sebille, Fane and The Red Prince as my companions.

I chose Ifan as my character simply because a lone wolf seemed to be someone I wouldn’t choose as a companion.

Sebille had this very interesting introduction with the needle. That was quite something. Also, her volunteering to be in the camp for revenge is exciting.

Fane was incredibly fun on the boat. Just reading his book not caring about anything else. Also the fact that he is secretly undead is very interesting.

And The Red Prince - I honestly don’t know. He just appears to be a fun guy.

How about you?

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    I’ve never finished DOS2, and this post’s inspired me to set up a new crew.

    I think I’ll play with a CAC Skele Human Witch MC, going for a necro/geo/summon Bonewidow / Artillery Plant build.

    I’ll keep Beast as a melee CC+Tank, going poly/geo/warfare.

    I’ll snag Red Prince as a pyro/warfare/summon slug build, giving him just enough warfare to whirlwind spark with a staff.

    And maybe i’ll do something silly with Sebille and load her up with a 1h wand build with primary aero, with secondary hunt+scoundrel. She’ll be our ranged defender and thief.