I am currently playing as Ifan, and have chosen Sebille, Fane and The Red Prince as my companions.

I chose Ifan as my character simply because a lone wolf seemed to be someone I wouldn’t choose as a companion.

Sebille had this very interesting introduction with the needle. That was quite something. Also, her volunteering to be in the camp for revenge is exciting.

Fane was incredibly fun on the boat. Just reading his book not caring about anything else. Also the fact that he is secretly undead is very interesting.

And The Red Prince - I honestly don’t know. He just appears to be a fun guy.

How about you?

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    I’ve never finished DOS2, and this post’s inspired me to set up a new crew.

    I think I’ll play with a CAC Skele Human Witch MC, going for a necro/geo/summon Bonewidow / Artillery Plant build.

    I’ll keep Beast as a melee CC+Tank, going poly/geo/warfare.

    I’ll snag Red Prince as a pyro/warfare/summon slug build, giving him just enough warfare to whirlwind spark with a staff.

    And maybe i’ll do something silly with Sebille and load her up with a 1h wand build with primary aero, with secondary hunt+scoundrel. She’ll be our ranged defender and thief.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Running a full phys party and am about to leave act1 island. This is about as far as I’ve ever come. The party

    Red lizard guy (MC) - Warrior/necro “Eternal warrior”

    Fane - Tank with a bit of geo

    Ifan - Summoner/ranger

    Sebile - necromancer/buffer

    I am thinking of ditching this party to return to the all-magic party that just have left fort Joy. Think I enjoyed that one better. The all-magic party

    Lohse (MC) - Hydro/Aero

    Fane - Geomancer

    Beast - Hydro tank/melee

    Sebile - summoner/buffer

  • @GardenVarietyAnxiety
    31 year ago

    2 custom undead lizards, Fane, and Beast as the groups familiar/pet

    It’s my first playthrough, and I’m sure I’m doing it wrong, but it’s fun!

    • SibboOPM
      31 year ago

      Beast as the pet? 😄 Poor beast

  • @Fumbles
    31 year ago

    2 Custom Characters, Lohse, and Ifan.

  • But Class War [Illinois]
    31 year ago

    It’s my first time playing but I just jumped in (with a little help in builds from fextralife) and didn’t look back.

    I’m playing as Fane, I just dig the backstory, something about unknown loss, and I think it’s interesting that undead in general have to keep their faces hidden (don’t think that’s a spoiler, pretty sure they’re clear about that in character creation). Build I’m going with is a Tectonic Sage. I also have Beast with me as a battlemage My wife is playing as Sebile, necro/pyro and she has Ifan with her.

    I’m digging the game so far, just finished act 1!

    BTW thanks for setting up this community Sibbo!

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      fextra? really? maybe I’m jaded from all of their “technically-legal-now-banned” twitch viewbotting. but wasn’t their wiki just a front for that view botting? I assumed the wiki content would be bunk. hopefully I’m wrong.

      this is the first comment I’ve ever seen in the wild that has said anything remotely positive about fextra.

      • But Class War [Illinois]
        1 year ago

        I had no idea, I hadn’t heard of them at all before searching for guides but think some YouTube guides pointed back to them. Thanks for the heads up!

        Edit: figured I should ask, do you have any preferred sources for info on quests, items, build, etc that you’ve found to be good and would recommend?

        • Nakedmole
          31 year ago

          Search Lost Sinner in the guides section for DoS2 on Steam. Great character builds and walkthrough guide. I never looked further after I found those.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          oh no not really. I’m a bumbler. I like to suffer thru my own builds and the meta-game for me is just how far I can make it before I have to start over. if I fail I get mad but its part of the enjoyment when I eventually do overcome, so I may have been out of place to critique.

          I’m super glad you found something that works for you

      • Nakedmole
        1 year ago

        All I know is that back then when I was still using reddit, everyone in the DoS2 sub warned to not use fextralife builds, saying they were bad builds. I went with builds by Lost Sinner from the guide section on Steam. Those builds work well. For new players I also recommend Lost Sinners walk-through guide, it helped me to jump right into the game.

    • SibboOPM
      11 year ago

      Fane is just such a fun character. Probably my favourite!

      BTW thanks for setting up this community Sibbo!

      You’re welcome :)

  • @dirtySourdough
    21 year ago

    Playing with a friend and we’re both playing our own characters. My friend has this jank ass summoner/support build that does pretty much everything except damage (aside from summons). And I’m a full blown pyro/air/earth/water mage (in order of strength). We have Lohse as our ranger and Fane as our rogue. It’s been a lot of fun and I think we’re pretty well balanced out. We were running with Ifan instead of Fane on the first island but got bored of him tanking with warfare. I wanted to see Ifan’s story play out, but I don’t regret the switch at all cuz combat is way more interesting now

  • Nakedmole
    1 year ago

    Lonewolf party:

    Fane: Knight

    Sebille: Ranger

    Full party:

    Fane: Rogue

    Sebille: Necromancer

    Ifan: Ranger

    Beast or Red Prince: Knight

    I´m a simple man. I like all physical damage parties. However, I did not play for some time now. Is it true that there was an update so both types of damage take down both types of armor now?

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I’m not aware of such an update, but there are a couple of mods that change the armor system to make mixed parties more viable

      • SibboOPM
        1 year ago

        I’m playing mixed. I like to have a diverse party, such that I can experience more different combat tactics. And on classic difficulty, it works quite well. I’m not the most experienced player.

        It seemed an advantage to me to go mixed, because some enemies have lots of physical armour, and some lots of magic, and then I can always attack on the weak point.

        However, often I also don’t care and just attack both armour types. On classic difficulty, it works.