On Sunday, dozens of people gathered near the Aish Hatorah synagogue in Thornhill, Ont., to protest an event that organizers say was aimed at helping people in the Toronto area buy property in Israel. They were met with pro-Israeli counterprotestors and Jewish leaders took issue with the Sunday protest taking place outside a synagogue.

But Pro-Palestinian protestors say companies associated with the event market property in the West Bank, where over two million Palestinians live under Israel’s military occupation, according to the United Nations (UN).

The UN, alongside Canada, consider Israeli settlements in the occupied territories to be in violation of international convention, with the federal government saying they “constitute a serious obstacle to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace.”

“There was no sales for anything in the West Bank, anything on disputed territory,” she said, noting the projects on offer were being built on “existing” and “established” areas.

  • @givesomefucks
    577 months ago

    “There was no sales for anything in the West Bank, anything on disputed territory,” she said, noting the projects on offer were being built on “existing” and “established” areas.

    1. Just because they’re illegally saying it’s Israeli land, doesn’t mean it is.

    2. Their rationale seems to be if an Israeli illegally settles there, then it becomes Israeli land…

    I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the “settlers” just keep claiming land over and over again to push the border, and now selling it as “undisputed Israeli land”.

    There’s zero reason to listen to far right religious extremists, because all their “logic” comes down to “trust me bro, God said I could do this”.

    • @[email protected]
      317 months ago

      Yeah, note the phrasing ‘existing or established areas’. If they wanted to be clear that it wasn’t settlement, they’d say something like ‘within the UN recognised borders’ or whatever.

    • @dustyData
      277 months ago

      You wouldn’t be surprised because this is exactly what Israel has been doing for 50 years. The West Bank used to be a large continuous territory, now it’s a Swiss cheese of infrastructure deprived pockets of discriminated people.

    • @[email protected]
      107 months ago

      We’re not doing ethnic cleansing!

      The current owners already cleansed it of the original Palestinian family.

      • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
        -147 months ago

        And whose bones did the Palestinian family build their home on top of?

        Go back and back and it’s Jews for like almost 4,000 years.

        • ???
          7 months ago

          My family got agricultural land from the Ottoman Empire to build a small town. I have the town map and names of all main families and inhavitants there since my grandma left in 1947. I would love to show you. They never attacked anyone… unlike the Zionists that came and killed them and forced the rest to the Nakba.