From France national gendarmerie website. Translate using Google translate

Cyberspace Center

Created in February 2021, the command of the gendarmerie in cyberspace reports directly to the director general of the national gendarmerie and has the mission of piloting, leading and leading the national gendarmerie system in the fight against cyber threats.

With a very high level of technical expertise, ComCyberGend is able to carry out investigations in all digital spaces, but also to develop new forensic methods of digital investigation. Having a staff and management at the central level which allows it effective strategic management, the ComCyberGend also relies on all the delocalized operational units such as: the CNTECH, the NTECH or even the branches of the C3N.

The evolution of digital technologies represents an issue of national sovereignty, ComCyberGend is also an issue in terms of innovation and scientific partnerships. By joining forces with the GIP ACYMA or Signal SPAM, the National Gendarmerie ensures that it does everything possible to avoid two pitfalls: technological delay and blinders towards external innovative threats.

Pôle Cyberespace

Créé en février 2021, le commandement de la gendarmerie dans le cyberespace relève directement du directeur général de la gendarmerie nationale et a pour mission de piloter, conduire et animer le dispositif de la gendarmerie nationale dans la lutte contre les cybermenaces.

Disposant d’un très haut niveau de technicité, le ComCyberGend est en mesure de réaliser des investigations dans l’ensemble des espaces numériques, mais également de développer de nouvelles méthodes criminalistiques d’investigation numérique. Disposant d’un état-major et d’une direction au niveau central qui lui permet un pilotage stratégique efficace, le ComCyberGend s’appuie également sur l’ensemble des unités opérationnelle délocalisées tels que : les CNTECH, les NTECH ou encore les antennes du C3N.

L’évolution des technologies en matière numérique représentant un enjeux de souveraineté nationale, le ComCyberGend est également un enjeux en matière d’innovation et de partenariats scientifiques. En s’association avec le GIP ACYMA ou encore Signal SPAM, la Gendarmerie nationale s’assure de mettre tous les moyens en œuvre pour éviter deux écueils : le retard technologique et des œillères sur les menaces innovantes externes.

  • @[email protected]OP
    310 months ago

    Gendarme translate literately in peoplewitharmes.

    In France we have two institutions :

    • The gendarmerie which are a special corporation of the military under the command of the Minister of Interior and not the Minister of the armies.
    • The police which is an non military corporation, under the command of the Minister of Interior, with the status of state fonctionnaire d’État (something like state official or civil servant)

    And to over simplified it, they do the same job but the police work in the city while the gendarmerie work in the small towns and the country sides.

    • anon6789
      210 months ago

      This has cleared up some confusion for me, I think. When you said they work in small towns and the country, I got a strange picture in my head. After doing some more reading, it seems the Mobile Gendarmerie is what comes to mind, where they’re all dressed up and armed for riot control and such. I guess the normal work they do doesn’t make international news, only the extreme things.

      • @[email protected]OP
        10 months ago

        Nah ! Gendarmes are basically policeman. But they can wear a gun more easily as they are military. At least it was the case a few decades ago. Nowaday, police forces are gearing up more and more and I’m not up to date with all this stuff.

        They also tend to wear more hat, I don’t know why.

        • anon6789
          310 months ago

          I like the kepi and just watched a video on their history yesterday. It’s so old fashioned that it seems a quaint contrast to the militarized look most police are taking on.