My point it’s it could carry to a lot of psychological problems and social problems for the kids.

  • NoLifeGaming
    11 year ago

    And who gets to decide that? You? People have different views on the world even between people who don’t believe in religion at all. So let’s have children be indoctrinated by their schools and surroundings. Just like you view religious views as awful and indoctrinating so do other people view other views the same. You might have a Marxist who loves communism and thinks capitalism and its ideas are awful and that we must fight against the liberal capitalist order. Would you consider that person teaching their children as “indoctrination”?

    Just because you don’t have reason to believe in religion doesn’t mean other people are in the same boat. And it doesn’t mean there isn’t logic or reason behind it.

    • @FabledAepitaph
      11 year ago

      I have no problem taking responsibility for that decision, so yes. I’ll decide. The same way Republicans think they can decide that being gay is illegal, being trans means you’re subhuman, and that women don’t deserve reproductive rights. I have no problem making these decisions if that’s the alternative.